Thursday, February 12, 2009

Old Bloggy Posts

These are the two entries I had on my old blog on my website. However, as I said earlier on, this website is way more practical for blogging (as it should be). Read these if you'd like!

11/25/08, 2:34 PM
Damn, I'm soaked

___Today it has been pouring rain all day. I'm a bit of a rain lover so I actually kind of enjoyed it. However, since I had an independant study (a legitamite excuse to leave school early), I had to walk home from school rather than get a ride. And boy, by the time I got walking, the rain was pounding down as hard as ever. The sky is bleak and gray and the rain is slowing down right now (though I think (and hope) that it is only temporary); ironically it was at its greatest ferocity during my walk home.
___During my walk I listened mostly to music tracks from Animal Crossing, ones that play in the early morning hours of the game. They are very simple tracks, melodic and peaceful, sometimes kind of sad. It was good music for plodding slowly through the rain.
___I realize I often relate music to things I am doing. Being a video-gamer all my life, I tend to associate certain music (from games) with periods of my life. Animal Crossing music, for instance, reminds me of a time two or three summers ago, where I had no worries and often played Animal Crossing all day (occasional switching off to let my younger sister play). It's quite a sentimental game for me by now, and I hope to include it in My Favorite Games on this site sometime soon.

10/24/08, 12:12 AM
A walk at night

___Earlier today it had rained, and now, even as I write, it is quite blustery outside. The wind feels great, is making a wonderful noise as it goes through the trees. A little while ago I decided to go for a walk outside - I love weather like this.
___While I walked, I listened to music from the soundtrack of Marathon Eternal on my mp3 player. The combination made for a wonderfully serene experience. I was only disrupted by one of two things.
___One, some guys and girls I know at school drove by and stopped and said hi to me. When they asked where I was going, I just said I was going for a walk. I wonder if they knew how content I was just walking, or if they didn't understand how much I like this weather. Anyway, they're nice, and said "see you at school" at that sort of thing, and drove off. I resumed being peaceful.
___As I was walking, once in a while someone's motion-sensored light would come on as I walked past. I hate those things. I wish I could just shoot them out with a BB gun or something. Isn't it ironic that that would be legally consided descruction of property and "disturbing the peace," when it is disturbing my own personal peace?
___I still came back very happy, and was glad I went out. I plan to take more walks at night like this.

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